Shopping at Farmers’ Markets
- What to bring: a list of possible fruit or vegetable items to purchase until your next market visit and a reusable bag or bags to carry your purchases.
- Arrive early for best selection or late for a potentially discounted selection.
- Take a walk around the market before making purchases to get an idea of what is available from the vendors. There will be multiple vendors selling fruits and vegetables.
- Compare what is available to your list and select items to purchase.
- Unlike in the grocery stores, you make your purchases at each vendor booth – there is not a single “check-out” area.
Questions you can ask vendors:
- What are some ways to prepare a fruit or vegetable they may be selling?
- Where were the fruits and vegetables that they are selling grown?
- How were their fruits and vegetables grown?
- When were they picked or harvested?
- What will you have available next week?
Covid 19
- The Market has widened aisles and the space between vendors to better enable social distancing. Vendors are required to wear masks or a cloth face covering. Food demos and sampling are not being offered.
- We ask that customers stay home and not return until they are free of fever for at least 72 hours without fever-reducing medication and improvement in respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath) and, at least 7 days have passed since symptoms first appeared.
- We encourage shoppers to prioritize only essential food purchasing and discontinue social gatherings.
- We encourage shoppers to send only one member from each household to the market in order to curtail crowds.
- We encourage shoppers to practice the recommended 6’ social distancing from one another while at the market.
- Please refrain from touching any products, rather allow the vendor to select and bag products you wish to purchase.
- Please wash your hands frequently. Follow CDC recommendations for doing so. We have hand sanitizer, paper towels, gloves, and masks available for your use.
- Please leave your reusable bags and materials in the car at this time. The vendors will use only new plastic bags for your purchases.
- Wear a mask or cloth face covering per CDC guidelines.
- When possible, order directly from farmers and vendors for delivery or pick-up.